Monday, February 18, 2013

Are you a lot like me? A little disappointed in how I turned out?

I participate in an online photography group on Flickr where you get paired with another photographer from somewhere out in the interweb and you look over each other's photographs and then issue a challenge to the person that will push their comfort level as a photographer. Since I do only landscape photos it is a fun way to expand my hobby and a cool way to meet other photographers from around the world. This month I was challenged by an older lady from northern California to do a self portrait. It feels odd to take pictures of myself, but it turned out to be a fun experiment. I spend way too much time sitting in front of the computer and so for my self portrait I wanted to see what I look like as I sit for hours reading Magnum, P.I. fan fiction and watching videos of stranger's colonoscopies.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sifting through the epically beautiful trash

These pictures are from my visit to Yosemite National Park in July, 2007. My recent trip to Arches and Canyonlands made me think about the different national parks that I have visited and I thought I would re-post some of my older pictures from the different parks. Yosemite National park is an amazingly beautiful place. Grandeur and stunning are two words that describe it well. Katie and I camped in the park for two weeks and spent the entire time hiking, swimming and just enjoying the beauty. I might post some pics from the Grand Canyon and the Tetons later as well. Enjoy.